A new sitcom on the
air: Breivik’s Media Circus
I have read some articles about Breivik’s case in the
prominent Turkish newspapers recently. They gave a simple reason for Breivik’s
massacre that he experienced some ‘tragic’ childhood traumas. One of the headings
of the newspapers was ‘He massacred because of a Turkish man.’ According to the
report, Breivik testified that the father of one of his friends, a Turkish
diplomat, destroyed his bicycle when he was 7. A Pakistani vatman slapped him
because Breivik, at 15 at that time, was leaning over the subway train. All
those childhood incidents shaped his attitude towards the Muslims.
I do not know what to think about all these cheap and shallow
news. Frankly speaking, I was not surprised, as a matter of fact, this is what
I have expected. But I am still unable to stop myself from questioning about
the purpose of these sort of news. Is it convincing that Breivik killed
innocent, young and leftist Norwegians because of his sad childhood
experiences? If so, why would not he have killed the Muslims, who seemed the
reason of his horrible and unforgivable deeds? In addition to them, should we
conclude that everybody would have the right to kill each other, if they had
some bad experiences in their childhood or adolescence? If yes, I am afraid
that the human race would be wiped off the face of the earth soon.
It is obvious that the media attempts to manipulate us as
usual and to waste our time publishing such silly and popular news while we
need transperancy in Breivik’s organised case in all respects. It is the time
to clear up the mess and to explain some behind the scenes. Otherwise, we have
to endure all the terrorist attacks, considering what sort of traumas children
in Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan and so on have been experiencing for
ages while their parents and relatives are mercilessly killed, raped and
tortured every day. That is for sure that the media is never going to show
mercy to them in the slightest degree as they have showed to Breivik so far.
To sum up, we are sick and tired of hearing of Breivik’s five
star jail cell and his psychological disorders. All we want is a piece of
Best wishes,
Nilufer Akcay
Dublin June, 7 2012
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