24 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Some Questions and Concerns on Anders Behring Breivik: a New Cultic Anti-Hero | Minor Details | News

Some Questions and Concerns on Anders Behring Breivik: a New Cultic Anti-Hero
I met comrade Memet in a café in Temple Bar a month ago. While having a talk about political issues, he offered me to deliver a speech on Breivik in a public meeting. We couldn’t make it yet because of our daily activities, after all I have decided to put my thoughts, concerns and questions into writing. My aim is to call attention to the image of Breivik having been built by the media so far.
                After Norwegian killer had got arrested on 22 July 2011, the media eagerly followed him and tried to find out what kind of psychological problems he might have suffered. Psychiatric evaluations were published. Most probably various disputable claims on his psychological problems will be come up and discussed in the future. That may well be a common and understandable interest of all people, when somebody kills a large number of people in a cruel way and when it occurs in one of the most developed country in the world . However, as digging deep into the subject, we have realised that Breivik’s case is even more than a case of a serial killer so to speak.
                It is the easiest way to make Breivik a victim of physically and emotionally abused in his childhood. As known, the stories of victimised people always sell in the media. Furthermore, it has become a truism that serial killers are always the center of attraction considering women send letters to them and propose to them while the good are just good and boring enough. Hundreds of documentary films, movies and tv series have been made about serail killers. Willingly or unwillingly the media encourages people to feel sorry and to find excuses for them.
                But what about Breivik? Is he only a simple and clever killer? Is he capable of having planned such a kind of ‘elaborated’ massacre completely alone? My answers to all these questions are a big ‘NO.’ At this point I wonder how many people were interested in psychological problems of Osama Bin Laden or other terrorists after September 11 attacks; I wonder how many people thought that those attacks were planned by a criminal gang other than a terrorist group? I am not trying to justify anybody, groups or organisation. Besides, under no circumstances can terrorism be justified. Terror never pay attention to innocent people, children, countries and so on. It is an organisational and  violent action to achieve political aims just as Breivik did.
                After Breivik had been captured his manifesto and video records transpired, what a coincidence! He claimed that he had been planning the attacks for 9 years, all alone!. Somehow, he succeeded in drawing attention to his ideology which will cause the rising of new fascist movements all over the world in the near future. But why is the media still not going behind the clouds? Why are we directed to Breivik’s images in the media, but what kind of organisation is behind him instead? Otherwise, is it an attempt to create a new cultic antihero?
                Eichmann, a Nazi SS and one of the major organisers of the Holocaust said that he was merely a "transmitter" with very little power and never did anything, great or small, without obtaining in advance express instructions from Adolf Hitler or any of his superiors. Now Breivik is saying that he did what he did for the sake of his country. Evil arises from ordinary people who obey to rules without questioning. We have the right to know what is happening behind the scene.
Best wishes,
Nilufer Akcay

Dublin May 26, 2012 

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